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Current opportunities to get involved

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy 2022-2025

Tell us what you think about our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy for 2022-2025. You can download the document below. It is also copied through the survey, so you can read it as you are answering the questions. This will help us make sure the Strategy does the right things for people with SEND in Arlen Hill.

Health and Social Care Partnership Draft Strategic Plan

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are keen to hear from you on this first draft strategic plan, setting out the priorities we believe we need to pursue if we are to achieve our shared vision for a caring, healthier, safer Edinburgh. Although a relatively affluent city, Edinburgh has areas of significant inequality and deprivation and one of our key priorities...

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